Qism al-Tahfeez is a branch of the esteemed Mahad al-Zahra, which is an institute for the memorisation of the Holy Quran and the study of Quranic Arts and Sciences, functioning under the guidance and leadership of the 53rd al-Dai al-Mutlaq His Holiness Dr Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal SaifuddinTUS. The main branches of the institute are housed in the four campuses of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah; Surat, Karachi, Nairobi and Mumbai. This institute has also initiated residential and non-residential programs in various venues in India and abroad including, Kenya, Kuwait, Pakistan, Tanzania, UAE, UK, USA and Yemen.
Recently, One of the branches of Qism al-Tahfeez comprising of non-residential campus (Mauze Tahfeez) has been established in The City of Joy-Kolkata, India.
At this campus along with The Memorisation of Quran Majeed, many Activities take place in Qism al-Tahfeez to enhance and encourage the respected students to achieve their goal in a better way.

Activities in Qism al-Tahfeez

1. Hifz Listening Sessions

These sessions are dedicated to the memorization and recitation of the Quran. Students recite the portions they have memorized in front of their teachers and peers. The key components include:

Muraja’at Tasmee: Regular revision sessions where students recite previously memorized sections to ensure retention and accuracy.
Individual Recitation: Each student gets individual attention to recite and correct their memorization.

2. Ahkaam al-Tajweed Sessions

These sessions focus on the rules of Tajweed, which are essential for the correct pronunciation and recitation of the Quran. The activities include:

Theory Classes: Detailed lessons on the rules of Tajweed, including the articulation points (Makharij) and characteristics (Sifaat) of Arabic letters.
Practical Application: Students practice reciting the Quran with proper Tajweed under the guidance of experienced teachers.
Tajweed Musabaqat: Annual competitions to encourage students to master the art of recitation and apply Tajweed rules accurately.

3. Sessions for Understanding the Lofty Meanings of Quran Majeed (Khaza’in Ma’ani al-Quran al-Fa’eqah)

These sessions aim to deepen the students’ understanding of the Quranic text. The activities include:

Explanation: Detailed explanations of the meanings of the Quranic verses, including their context and implications. 
Application of Teachings: Practical guidance on how to implement the teachings of the Quran in daily life.

These activities are designed to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to Quranic education, ensuring that students not only memorize the Quran but also understand and apply its teachings in their lives.


The vision of this institute is defined in the words of al-Dai al-Mutlaq His Holiness Dr Syedna Mohammed BurhanuddinRA, who said that mumineen must perceive their learnings and actions in the light of wahy (divine revelation), as he states:

مؤمن نسس ايم لازم ؛، سوطط لازم ؛كه ايم تصور نقش كرسس دل ثثر كه هوسس ميطط
هر وقت وحي ني روشني ما} ديكهيس

Likewise, al-Dai al-Mutlaq His Holiness Dr Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal SaifuddinTUS has wished that every mumin’s house should have at least one hafiz, as he states:

هرايك ككهر ما ايك تو هوئي ـــــ كه جه نسس ثثورا قراْن حفظ هوئي

During the 63rd annual convocation of Aligarh Muslim University in 1437/2016, al-Dai al-Mutlaq His Holiness Dr Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal SaifuddinTUS in his address as chancellor of the university stated:

حاضرین کرام! میرے والد بزرگوار تقدس ماب سیدنا محمد برہان الدین رض نہ صرف مکمل کلام اللہ کہ حافظ تھے بلکہ حقیقت حفظ معنوی – صاحب معرفت بھی تھے، آپ نے جامعہ سیفیہ کہ تمام طلباء کہ لۓحفظ القرآن کا نصاب مقرر فرمایا، حفظ القرآن کی تعلیم وتدریس کہ لۓ معہد الزھراء قائم فرمایا، میری تمنا اوردعاء ہے کہ افظ اور معنی کہ نقطہء نظر سے حفظ القرآن کے سلسلے کی برکت تمام عالم اسلام میں عام ہوجاۓ، اور ہر گھر میں کم ازکم ایک فرد تو حافظ القرآن ہو، جس کی برکت سے ہر گھر جسمانی اور روحانی رزق سے فیضیاب ہوتا رہے

‘Distinguished Guests! My respected father His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed BurhanuddinRA not only memorized the entire Holy Quran, but, he also imbibed the meanings contained in its verses and was, therefore, a man of great discernment. He stipulated that the memorisation of the Holy Quran be part of the curriculum for the students of Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, and he established Mahad al-Zahra for this memorisation, along with the study of Quranic arts and sciences. It is my wish and prayer that the blessings of this continuing endeavour to memorise the Holy Quran, from the perspective of both its words and meanings, spread throughout the entire Muslim world to such an extent that each and every household boasts of at least one individual who has memorized the entire Quran. The blessings of this will enable each house to be graced with temporal and spiritual sustenance”
These words establish a clear vision for Mahad al-Zahra. They narrate its function of striving the wish of al-Dai al-Mutlaq His Holiness Dr Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal SaifuddinTUS to see a hafiz in every household, and enabling each individual to lead a life in the light of revelation.

Mahad al-Zahra is an institute for the memorisation of the Holy Quran and the study of Quranic Arts and Sciences, functioning under the guidance and leadership.